Cary Institute

Coinfection simulations for "Coinfection interactions systematically influence parasite richness estimates in simulated host populations"

posted on 2025-01-09, 19:02 authored by July PilowskyJuly Pilowsky, Amy R. Sweeny, Greg Albery, Barbara HanBarbara Han

Our simulation study examined a range of possible community interactions among pathogens infecting a single host and assessed their impact on the detectability of different strains, thereby informing pathogen richness estimates at the population level. To do this we ran 10,000 simulations, each with different distributions of interaction type (competition, facilitation) and interaction strength, distributed among different numbers of pathogenic strains.

Most of the data are not in the form of a table. They are QS files, a compression format that can be expanded in R using the package qs and the function qread(). Each .qs data file is a three-dimensional numeric array. Each row is an individual in the population, each column is a strain of pathogen, and each slice (z dimension) is a time step. There are always 1000 individuals and 100 timesteps; the number of columns varies by simulation.

There is one CSV file that describes the characteristics of all the strains in all the simulations.

File list: - contains all simulation files (.qs data files) and one CSV file (simulation_round6_inputs.csv)

JP_Cary_metadata_share.pdf - contains complete project documentation, methodology, and variables in CSV file


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