Cary Institute

Larval burden on trapped hosts

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posted on 2024-07-12, 15:27 authored by Richard Ostfeld, Kelly OggenfussKelly Oggenfuss, Shannon LaDeauShannon LaDeau

These data are part of a larger, long-term project to understand function in a complex forest network of linked and interacting taxa. The broad approach has been to quantify the strength of interactions between pairs of taxa and to embed those pairwise interactions in a more comprehensive interaction web, which itself might be affected by ongoing shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns. Specifically, this approach allows us to examine both top-down and bottom-up forces impacting small mammals, their tick parasites and associated pathogens. This particular dataset reflects numbers of larval ticks (Ixodes scapularis) observed on two species of small mammals during the peak larval question period (August - September) over 32 years at six sites on Cary Institute property.

File list:

Larvae_onHosts 91-23.csv

LTREB_larval burden_README.pdf - contains full metadata including definitions for variables in the data file, Larvae_onHosts 91-23.csv


LTREB: Pulsed Resources and the Dynamics of Rodents, Ticks, and Lyme-disease Risk in Oak Forests

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LTREB: Acorn Pulses and the Dynamics of Rodents, Ticks, and Lyme-Disease in Oak Forests

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Time period

1991-08-06 (y-m-d) to 2023-09-07. Data collection is ongoing.

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Usage metrics

    Resource pulses and the dynamics of rodents, ticks, and Lyme-disease risk in oak forests



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