Cary Institute

Long-term data on Hudson River Dreissena (zebra mussel and quagga mussel) populations

posted on 2019-09-24, 17:13 authored by Dave StrayerDave Strayer, Christopher T. Solomon, Michael L. Pace, Heather MalcomHeather Malcom, David FischerDavid Fischer, Stephen K Hamilton
These are the data files associated with Strayer, D.L., Fischer, D.T., Hamilton, S.K., Malcom, H.M., Pace, M.L., and Solomon, C.T. 2019. Long-term variability and density dependence in Hudson River Dreissena populations. Freshwater Biology, and describe the long-term dynamics of populations of zebra mussels and quagga mussels in the Hudson River. Data include population density, body mass, biomass, body condition, shell length, growth, and size structure.


Hudson River Foundation, National Science Foundation, DEB-1556246, DEB-1456532
