Long term monitoring of the dynamics of rodents, ticks and Lyme disease risk in Oak forests: Mouse and tick data, 1995-2005.
Field Studies were conducted on the property of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in central Dutchess County, southeast New York (41 50’N, 73 45’ W). Cary property is a mix of forest, old agricultural fields, and buildings. Here is a subset of the data for years 1995-2005.
File list:
Ostfeld_mouse_tick_1995_2005_README_v2.pdf - methodology for project and codebook for this version of the data, 10.25390/caryinstitute.23611374 version 1.
Cary_mouse.csv - Mark-recapture of Peromyscus leucopus at Cary field sites
Cary_tick.csv. - Ixodes scapularis tick observations on each grid between 1995-2005
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Directorate for Biological Sciences
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