Cary Institute

Long term monitoring of the dynamics of rodents, ticks and Lyme disease risk in Oak forests: Mouse and tick data, 1995-2005.

posted on 2023-09-21, 14:47 authored by Richard Ostfeld, Kelly OggenfussKelly Oggenfuss


Field Studies were conducted on the property of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in central Dutchess County, southeast New York (41 50’N, 73 45’ W).   Cary property is a mix of forest, old agricultural fields, and buildings. Here is a subset of the data for years 1995-2005.

File list:

Ostfeld_mouse_tick_1995_2005_README_v2.pdf - methodology for project and codebook for this version of the data, 10.25390/caryinstitute.23611374 version 1.

Cary_mouse.csv - Mark-recapture of Peromyscus leucopus at Cary field sites

Cary_tick.csv. - Ixodes scapularis tick observations on each grid between 1995-2005


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Time period

Begin date: May 1995 End date: August 2005


See the attached README for background on this long term monitoring, and a codebook for this subset and version of the data.

Data provenance

Mouse and tick data were collected by Richard S. Ostfeld and collaborators at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies with NSF funding cited in this repository.

Secondary Data Contact

Data Sharing Statement

The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies furnishes code and data under the following conditions: The code or data have received quality assurance scrutiny, and, although we are confident of their accuracy, Cary Institute will not be held liable for errors in the code or data. Code and data are subject to change resulting from updates in data screening or models used. To cite code or data, click on the Cite button on this page.

Usage metrics

    Resource pulses and the dynamics of rodents, ticks, and Lyme-disease risk in oak forests



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