Cary Institute

Public data archive for: Ecological complexity, mosquito production and disease risk

Version 2 2022-09-30, 17:56
Version 1 2022-04-22, 14:47
posted on 2022-09-30, 17:56 authored by Shannon LaDeauShannon LaDeau, Dawn Biehler, Rebecca Jordan, Paul LeisnhamPaul Leisnham, Sacoby Wilson

This dataset contains adult mosquito surveys and sampling data by species and date, as well as anonymized neighborhood and environmental sensor data for research conducted in neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland USA (2012-2017).

This dataset includes the following files:  

Metadata_Updated_for_Public_Archive.xlsx. Descriptive metadata for all sheets including redacted (confidential) data files.

Mastercontainer_Public_Archive.xlsx. These are data from container surveys conducted between 2012-2016.

Masterkapsurvey_Public_Archive_v20220928.xlsx. Anonymized surveys of residents in sample neighborhood blocks in years 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016.

MASTERadult.xlsx. Counts and identification of (primarily) female adult mosquitoes that were actively trapped over years and block clusters.

MASTER_Bloodfed.xlsx. Includes identification of blood meal source of 2015 and 2016 subsamples of adult female mosquitoes.

Master_iButton.xlsx. Raw relative humidity and temperature data recorded by iButton during 2015-2017 as well as year-long summaries by sensor for 2016 and 2017.

The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies furnishes data under the following conditions: The data have received quality assurance scrutiny, and, although we are confident of the accuracy of these data, Cary Institute will not be held liable for errors in these data. Data are subject to change resulting from updates in data screening or models used. To cite these data, click on the Cite button on this page. Metadata associated with the confidential data from this study may be found here.

Questions about these data should be directed to Dr. Shannon LaDeau, or Cary Data Management, 


National Science Foundation - Coupled Natural Human Systems award (DEB 1211797)
