This spreadsheet contains the results of a structured literature review on zoonotic New World arenaviruses. Each row of the table contains information regarding one of the 97 papers that was retained after all of our filtering steps. For each paper, we present the title (Title Primary), journal title (Periodical Full), authors (Authors, Primary), DOI/PubMed ID (DOI), year of publication (Pub Year), journal volume (Volume), journal issue (Issue), and the location of the first page of the article (Start Page). In the case that a DOI was not available, we used the PubMed ID (stylized as PMID: ###) if it existed. If neither were available, this information was left as an N/A.
See the methods in the main manuscript for a detailed description of how we structured the literature review and filtered to these papers. Briefly, we used the PRISMA framework to structure a literature review of zoonotic New World arenaviruses focusing on transmission risk, animal reservoirs, public health impacts, surveillance work, and bioterrorism.