Cary Institute

Artificial stream channels for ecological experiments: Design, use, and example applications

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Version 4 2022-10-14, 15:17
Version 3 2018-10-17, 19:32
Version 2 2018-10-17, 19:29
Version 1 2018-10-17, 19:26
online resource
posted on 2022-10-14, 15:17 authored by Emma Rosi, Joanna Blaszczak, Christopher Dutton, Stephen HamiltonStephen Hamilton, Timothy Hoellein, John J. Kelly, Sylvia S. Lee, Heather MalcomHeather Malcom, Alexander ReisingerAlexander Reisinger, Erinn RichmondErinn Richmond, Arial J. Shogren, Aaron Stoler, Amanda L. Subalusky, Jennifer Tank, Holly A. Wellard Kelly

The Cary artificial stream facility is located in a greenhouse on the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. The facility consists of 20 artificial streams that can be used for experiments that explore diverse ecological and environmental questions.  


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